====== xwahacker ====== This tool allows you to modify your X-Wing Alliance in order to * fix several graphical issues * use widescreen resolutions * skip cd-check while still maintaining multiplayer compatibility. This article is for reference and backup only, this is not the [[http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=34842&st=140|originial post]]. Reimar, on Feb 15 2009, 03:22 AM, said: "Curious, with the 182.something beta driver I can force AA, but unless I messed something up it has no effect if I set in in the "application specific" section (changing it there only changes it on the 7600GS, but not the 8400GS??). Setting it globally to 4x works though for me. The mess is because the background is rendered as 16 bit colour, that seems to confuse the driver somehow. If you do not mind that the "review your briefing" and the menu during flight look very broken and the starts a bit different, this is fixable as well. To quote my post from xwaupgrade: Assuming you are ready to run code from some random guy on the internet (i.e. me) Download xwahacker.exe fixedclear.bat Put them both in your XWA installation directory, and double-click the bat file (this applies the Z-buffer fix already quoted here). you can also use these batch files to switch between the original 16-bit and 32-bit rendering mode, maybe it makes it possible to use anti-aliasing for you: 32bitmode.bat 16bitmode.bat You can then delete (or move, or whatever) all those files again. If it doesn't work I made an error and did not notice it because I was too lazy to actually test these instructions." ====== Download ====== Get all these mentioned bat and exe files in a [[http://uharc.net/~snayle/XvT/files/reimar/xwahacker.zip|single zip file]]