======X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter installation and setup for online play====== In order to play [[:x-wing-vs-tie|X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter]] online, you need to consider the following steps. - [[:tech:install|Install the game]] - Copy the game files - [[:tech:patch|Apply patches]] - Get necessary updates, files etc. - [[:tech:ports|Networking]] - Port forwarding and firewalls - [[:lobby|Set up Voobly]] - Enter the online gaming lobby to find opponents ====== Networking ======= ===== Set up port forwardings ===== This is the most crucial and also most error prone part of the process. It may seem to be a complicated and tiring procedure, but don't give up. There are only a few things you have to overcome. 1. The router, 2. the personal firewall [[:x-wing-vs-tie|XvT]] and XWA use and [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/240429/EN-US/|old DirectPlay]] version and therefore require a lot of open ports for incoming connections, even the 'client side' gamer. Most people nowadays sit behind a router, which has an active firewall running that is blocking all ports from incoming connections. Most also have a local Firewall (Windows Firewall, Norton Security or whatever). Both of these have to be set up in order to play! - Find out [[http://www.ehow.com/how_5147267_local-ip.html|your local IP address]] first - Then log in to your router web interface.\\ For example go to '''' if your local IP is ''192.168.1.X''\\ Forward those ports to your LAN IP: 2300-2400 TCP+UDP, 6073 UDP, 47624 TCP ==== Additional Notes ==== * The only alternative to this - NAT Traversal - is not yet implemented for XvT or XWA, so we all have to open our firewalls for the time being. * If you **need help** configuring your Router, check out the great website [[http://portforward.com|PortForward.com]]. If you know your router model, you can look at screen shots of the router setup there. * It is //wise// to make sure that your port forwards work, //before// testing the game with other players! You can use the excellent [[http://portforward.com/help/portcheck.htm|PortCheck Utitity]] to do exactly that. * Know that [[:download:errant_venture]] requires the Port **1001** to be forwarded too, in order to be able to host games in EV. ===== Local Firewall===== If you have a local firewall on your PC, like **Windows Firewall** or some other Security software enabled, create exceptions for * **C:\games\XVT\Z_XVT .EXE** or whatever Path you Installed XvT in. * **C:\WINDOWS\system32\dplaysvr.exe** In Windows XP do that under Control Panel -> Windows Firewall or Security Center (scroll down to Windows Firewall there) -> Exceptions -> Add Program...