======X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter installation and setup for online play====== In order to play [[:x-wing-vs-tie|X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter]] online, you need to consider the following steps. - [[:tech:install|Install the game]] - Copy the game files - [[:tech:patch|Apply patches]] - Get necessary updates, files etc. - [[:tech:ports|Networking]] - Port forwarding and firewalls - [[:lobby|Set up Voobly]] - Enter the online gaming lobby to find opponents ====== See also ====== * [[:download|Downloads]] * [[:lobby|Multiplayer Lobby]] services * [[:xwainstall|X-Wing Alliance installation]] on Windows * [[:virtual|Virtual Machine and XvT]] * [[:regsetup|Registry Setup]] (manual installation) ====== External Links====== * [[http://darkjedi.org/club/TFA/kb/index.php?id=2519|TFA knowledge base]] on installing XvT on 64-bit systems