X-Wing Alliance Solo Campaign

This pack allows you to play the X-Wing Alliance Solo Campaign in Cooperative Mode in Multiplayer. Almost all Solo missions are playable except a couple of them won't work. As of Feb 2011, it's still in development though, so there's still hope these bugs will get fixed.

The original version of X-Wing Alliance Solo Campaign is done by StarLord in 2006. After some tests TRA member G_Redeye programmed a bat file to make things easier with the mission loading. This batfile also copies the needed file to get the radio voice working which was missing in StarLords version. TRA_N2QHY created an installer for the X-Wing Alliance Solo Campaign mod. AZIS from Rebel Squadrons wrote a guide [doc] on how to use it. Waylon is working to get rid of some bugs to make nearly all missions playable.

 download/xwasolo.txt · Last modified: 2011/02/16 12:46 by lenzoid
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