
Wiki Site creator/administrator. Chief Flight Officer and active member of TFA since 2009. Lenzoid has steadily and consistently risen in rank and wisdom within his club, and has numerous promotions and medals for contributions to the Space Combat community. His dedication to XvT and XWA have brought much recognition to this community, which will help sustain and perhaps even expand it's appeal to prospective pilots. TFA_Lenzoid

Input section

As the joystick industry switched from Gameport to USB, many old input devices became obsolete, because of lack of driver support. So, instead of just throwing this excellent hardware away, a new USB “brain” does the job for most of them.


The Frankenforce is basically a CH Force FX - the first and probably strongest Force Feedback Joystick (FFJS) ever - with the electronics of a new USB FFJS, such as a Logitech Strike Force. Originally built by a guy named SPaRX, the idea soon spread and people started to do their own Mods, like snomhf, who probably achieved the highest quality yet.

Inspired by snomhf and a one-armed J/S modder, I began my own mod in 2009. I first failed as I tried it with the Logitech Force Feedback Pro electronics, which don't work with the Force FX pots, but finally got it together quite well. It's not the highest possible quality, but it's quite sturdy and works on all operating systems.

 people/lenzoid.txt · Last modified: 2011/02/09 16:33 by lenzoid
[unknown button type]
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