X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter installation and setup for online play

In order to play X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter online, you need to consider the following steps.

  1. Install the game - Copy the game files
  2. Apply patches - Get necessary updates, files etc.
  3. Networking - Port forwarding and firewalls
  4. Set up Voobly - Enter the online gaming lobby to find opponents


Set up port forwardings

This is the most crucial and also most error prone part of the process. It may seem to be a complicated and tiring procedure, but don't give up. There are only a few things you have to overcome. 1. The router, 2. the personal firewall

XvT and XWA use and old DirectPlay version and therefore require a lot of open ports for incoming connections, even the 'client side' gamer.

Most people nowadays sit behind a router, which has an active firewall running that is blocking all ports from incoming connections. Most also have a local Firewall (Windows Firewall, Norton Security or whatever). Both of these have to be set up in order to play!

  1. Find out your local IP address first
  2. Then log in to your router web interface.
    For example go to if your local IP is 192.168.1.X
    Forward those ports to your LAN IP: 2300-2400 TCP+UDP, 6073 UDP, 47624 TCP

Additional Notes

  • The only alternative to this - NAT Traversal - is not yet implemented for XvT or XWA, so we all have to open our firewalls for the time being.
  • If you need help configuring your Router, check out the great website PortForward.com. If you know your router model, you can look at screen shots of the router setup there.
  • It is wise to make sure that your port forwards work, before testing the game with other players! You can use the excellent PortCheck Utitity to do exactly that.
  • Know that errant_venture requires the Port 1001 to be forwarded too, in order to be able to host games in EV.

Local Firewall

If you have a local firewall on your PC, like Windows Firewall or some other Security software enabled, create exceptions for

  • C:\games\XVT\Z_XVT .EXE or whatever Path you Installed XvT in.
  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\dplaysvr.exe

In Windows XP do that under Control Panel → Windows Firewall or Security Center (scroll down to Windows Firewall there) → Exceptions → Add Program…

 tech/ports.txt · Last modified: 2011/04/14 20:55 by lenzoid
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